Home MenuBudget Process – City Goals
The City’s strategy for success begins with guiding principles, stated as the City’s vision and mission. From there the Citywide Business plan details how the vision and mission of the City will be realized by setting goals, outlining objectives, and identifying metrics to track progress and success. The Budget Process creates actions around the Citywide Business plan, providing resources to accomplish the six City Goals adopted by City Council in the plan. The Budget steers the City’s operations each year to achieve goals, which serve the mission and vision of Kansas City.
Vision Statement
“Our local government will be nationally known for its transformative efforts that make Kansas City the diverse and sustainable community of choice for people to live, work, and play as a result of its safety; vibrant neighborhoods; business, educational, and cultural opportunities; connectedness; and vitality.”
Mission Statement
“The mission of the City of Kansas City, Missouri is to deliver quality, customer-focused municipal services with an emphasis on public safety, neighborhood livability, job creation, responsible planning for economic growth, infrastructure improvements, transportation systems, public health, and the environment. In pursuit of this mission, we use data to make decisions and measure progress based on economic, social, and environmental factors.”
City Goals
The City Council’s Goals serve as the policy framework for developing the City’s Annual Budget. These goals are essentially the priorities of the city, and guide decisions about neighborhoods, jobs, taxes, capital improvements, public safety and much more.
Finance and Governance
To employ best practices in governance and management with an emphasis on accountability, transparency, engagement, and resiliency, and to be good stewards of Kansas City's economic resources to maintain financial solvency while executing the functions of government.
Housing and Healthy Communities
To support the development, maintenance, and revitalization of sustainable, stable, and healthy communities through equitable policies and programs aimed at improving housing, neighborhoods, and health care services in all areas throughout the City.
Public Safety
To create a safe and healthy environment for Kansas City residents, visitors, and employees by providing comprehensive, high quality public safety and public health services in a timely manner, including identifying strategies to address the root causes of violence and incorporate public input in public safety initiatives through regular community engagement.
Inclusive Growth and Development
To strategically and intentionally support development in a comprehensive manner that respects varied needs of the neighborhoods and grow the economy through inclusion.
Infrastructure and Accessibility
To apply the lens of equity to all transportation and infrastructure projects while proactively and adequately investing in infrastructure that connects people with job and business centers, neighborhoods, and cultural/health/ recreational destinations.