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Audit Reports
Our reports provide findings and conclusions based on an evaluation of sufficient, appropriate evidence against criteria and result in information and recommendations to decrease costs, increase revenues, improve city services, protect resources, and facilitate decision making. Audits issued since May 1998 are available online.
Audit Highlights
A one page summary of an audit report that briefly describes why we did the audit, what we found, and what we recommended.
Audit Scope Statements
How we inform elected officials, management, and the public about a specific audit we are conducting.
Memoranda (Memos)
Developed to respond to occasional requests from elected officials that we conduct work of a limited scope on specific topics such as pending legislation, issues, or questions about city operations. This work is not considered an audit.
Annual Performance Reports
Summarize our activities, results, and audit reports for a fiscal year.
Annual Audit Plans
Identify the number and general nature of the audits we plan to conduct during a fiscal year.
Annual Recommendation Status Reports
Summarizes management’s progress towards implementing our audit recommendations.
Audit Report Tracking System Reports
Summary of reports submitted to the city auditor by management for each audit to report progress made towards implementing audit recommendations.
Peer Review Reports
Communicate the results of external quality control reviews we are required to undergo every three years to comply with Government Auditing Standards. Basically an audit of the auditors.