Home MenuKC Fire Operations Complex RFP – Scope of Services
Please note: The below scope of services is a portion of the full RFP. To view in full, open the Online Contract Advertising Search and look for Bid/RFP Number 07P23002.
Design Services for Kansas City Fire Department Administrative and Operation Services Complex
Project No. 07P23002
The Kansas City, Missouri Fire Department has been serving the Kansas City community for over 150 years and serves 318 square miles of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area with 34 stations and organized into 7 battalions. There is A GROWING NEED TO UPDATE EXISTING OUTDATED FACILITIES INCLUDING ITS ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES. The Department would like to create a centralized campus/complex for activities that are currently spread out in three different locations. This new campus/complex will house the administrative executive staff, medical billing, community risk reduction, communications center, logistics, fleet maintenance, and all fire suppression and EMS training.
Project Understanding
In March of 2021 the Fire Department reviewed their current campuses, Century Towers 635 Woodland Ave., the Medical Bureau, 6750 Eastwood Trafficway and the Fire Academy, 5130 Deramus Ave. The following concerns were identified:
- Age, Space and Use of the Academy facility.
- The distance between all three facilities.
- Inefficient or insufficient use of space within Century Towers.
- Consider more efficient staffing.
- Lack of functionality for the maintenance shop at the Medical Bureau.
- Looking towards the future.
- Assisting with recruitment of new fire fighters
- Sustainability
- Community space and outreach.
In conclusion, combining the functions at all three facilities into one campus/complex is the goal.
Scope of Services
The Design Professionals scope of services will be broken up into a three phase/task process to include but is not limited to the following:
Task 1 Programming
- Develop a written detailed program guide to be utilized for the design of the Fire Department Complex. It will include interviewing Fire Staff, observing current facility conditions to assess current and long-term needs. You will determine appropriate sizes for the various department activities and the overall facilities.
- Complete a blocking plan that would include spacial relationships.
- Develop a site plan outlining circulation patterns, entrance and exiting, show blocking of scaled spaces.
- Conceptual renderings of site and proposed buildings
- Provide an estimate of acreage for the campus/complex.
- Prepare a magnitude of cost for design and construction.
- Prepare a preliminary schedule for the complete project including programming land acquisition, design development, pre-design, design, construction documents and construction.
- Design Professional shall be prepared in all phases to present findings to the City Council if required.
- Develop a community engagement plan to be approved by owner. The engagement plan will focus on branding and messaging for the overall project.
- Develop standards that include site design, maintenance and life cycle, operational, energy consumption, ADA, alternative sustainability methods to respond to the City’s LEED Gold standard.
- Engage and participate in the 1% for art selection process.
Task 2 Land Acquisition and Real Estate Services
The Design Professional will assist the City with land acquisition for the Fire campus/complex. Discussion with KCFD will take place to determine what areas of the City would best serve their needs. The Design Professional’s Consultant will be expected to provide the following services.
- Search for suitable site locations within the City Limits, (three locations) at minimum.
- This should include a site selection study/report to evaluate and recommend the best location.
- Provide estimated cost impact of each option.
- Aide the City in acquiring and purchasing the land identified. This will include following all City processes in the evaluation, appraisal, acquisition and purchase of land.
- Provide Environmental, Geotech, Surveys etc. as required.
Task 3 Design and Construction
If the City opts to proceed with the construction of this project, phase/task (3) will include all design and construction work under this contract and the City may execute an amendment. It is anticipated that construction will include a CM@Risk process.
The MBE/WBE Goals for phase 1 and 2 have been approved at 1% / 1% If the City proceeds with phase 3 Goals will be modified to reflect the remainder of the project.
- DP to Provide Concept Drawings/Bridging Documents 30 to 40% complete.
- The Design Professional, in collaboration with the Owner will develop and complete all necessary RFQ/P’s for the solicitation to acquire the necessary Contractor(s) Services that will be needed to complete project build. DP will assist with the evaluation of responses.
- DP along with all Consultants will collaborate with selected Contractor and Owner to Complete Design and provide construction cost.
- DP along with their Consultants will provide drawings and specifications, participate in the bidding process of the project and provide all project administration.