It is important for all participants to keep in mind that public hearings are a special kind of meeting and that there is no video conferencing service specifically developed for public hearings. We are also aware of events which have disrupted public hearings held by video conference. To ensure the hearing functions with minimal interruption and maximum clarity, we have established the following ground rules which all participants must follow.
Rules for all Participants
- Audio Control Unmute yourself when speaking and mute yourself when not speaking.
- Video Control Unless you’ve disabled your video, you will appear on screen when speaking. Please be mindful of what is in your background.
- Exhibits The Commission’s rules allow the Commission to admit evidence as exhibits. Typically, this occurs at the hearing with the participant offering a hard copy document or object to the Chair for her review. Because we will be holding hearings virtually a few adjustments must be made. Please read carefully:
a. Exhibits must be emailed no later than 5 p.m. one business day prior to the scheduled hearing. Your exhibits will be collected by staff and provided to the Commission for their consideration in advance of the hearing. If the Commission chooses to admit the exhibit it will be conveyed visually during the hearing.
b. Any evidence submitted for an exhibit must be a digital file (pdf, jpeg, or a video). Physical objects or similar which cannot be photographed or scanned and emailed cannot be accepted due to the virtual nature of the hearing. If you believe this prevents a fair hearing you may request the commission grant a continuance to a later date.
Expectations Specific to Applicants
For you to be heard and appear visually before the Commission please consider the following:
- Identify Applicant Representatives (Required) Please provide the first and last name of all representatives of the applicant who will participate in the video conference so that staff is aware and can give you permissions you need to speak and be seen on Zoom.
- Provide a Presentation (Optional) Staff offers a presentation on all cases except appeals. If you wish to give a presentation beyond what was provided to staff for the presentation, please provide PowerPoint file (.pptx) or an Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf).
Please provide the above items no later than 8 a.m. one business day prior to the hearing.